Sacred Mormon Garments Work Like a Charm

Comedienne Joy Behar recently interviewed Donny & Marie Osmond. They talked very briefly about many subjects, which resulted in virtually nothing being said about anything, with one minor exception. When the questions turned to Mormonism, and specifically to what Ms. Behar referred to as “magic underwear,” Donny and Marie got serious.

Ms. Behar said, “Explain the magic underwear to me, cuz that I don’t know about.” Donny replied, “You know, I’d rather not. I’ll tell you why. Yes we wear…Yes, I am [wearing them]. And I’d rather not get into it because it’s not secret, it’s just so sacred.”

Ms. Behar pushed a bit, noting that non-Mormons generally laugh at the idea of magic underwear. Donny and Marie both said people laugh because they don’t understand, and then Donny tried to help people understand. He said,

“If you could go through the temple, the ceremony there, it goes back to the same ceremony in Solomon’s day, all those sacred temples back then. Not everybody was allowed in there. But the promises we make to, to God, you know, this ‘magical underwear’ or whatever you wanna call it, all it is, is an outward expression of an inward commitment.”

But why underwear, Ms. Behar asked? Why not a shirt, or a ring, or socks? Donny replied,

“You know what’s interesting? Way back in the days…the Jerusalem days, the Old Testament days, they used to wear those things on their foreheads, you know, to remind them, or something on their hand or arm or something like that. It’s the same thing. It’s a reminder of the promises you make to, and those commitments and commandments that you say, ‘God, I promise to keep them.’”

As I understand it, the Jewish tefillin (sometimes called phylacteries), worn by observant Jews since at least the 1st century, are worn as reminders of what God has done (Exodus 13:9) and how God’s people should respond to Him (Deuteronomy 6:5). They are intended to help the wearer keep his mind focused on the things of God during prayer. While Donny Osmond stated that Jewish tefillin and LDS sacred undergarments are “the same thing,” they don’t really have much in common beyond the fact that they are both worn for reasons of religious consequence.

While doing a pretty good job of presenting one aspect of the significance of LDS garments (“The garment provides a constant reminder of the covenants you have made in the temple,” according to LDS Manual True to the Faith), Donny’s comments reflect a trend among Mormons to publically ignore an equally important characteristic of the garments. Indeed, it is this essential quality from which the moniker “magic” emerges.

Within the teachings of Mormonism, the “Garment of the Holy Priesthood” received during an LDS temple ceremony is not merely a reminder, but is also “a shield and a protection” to the faithful wearer (so says the LDS endowment ceremony). While LDS leaders today seem to promote the idea that the “shield and protection” is solely spiritual in nature, this hasn’t always been the case. Early LDS teachings touting the physical protection offered by these garments has given birth in these latter latter-days to Mormon folklore recounting stories of miraculous protection from harm and preservation of life for those wearing the garments.

In his book about the history of Mormon temple worship, David John Buerger wrote,

“Early on, the garments were seen as protecting those who wore them. This idea was underscored by the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the jail at Carthage, Illinois. Neither Joseph, Hyrum, nor John Taylor had been wearing his garment. Willard Richards, who had, escaped unscathed in the attack.” (The Mysteries of Godliness, 146)

Buerger cites several early LDS sources that confirmed and propagated the belief that Willard Richards was spared injury or death at Carthage because he was wearing his garments.

The common understanding among Mormons that these garments offer physical protection has created a culture filled with faith-promoting myths. D. Michael Quinn explained,

“In Mormon folklore the temple garment sometimes functions as a classic amulet that has power in itself. ‘A devoted Mormon was in a hotel fire and all the clothing was burned from his body except where his garments were. The only burns he suffered were on his hands and feet, which were not protected by the garments.’…Utah folklorists Austin and Alta Fife recorded more such testimonials: ‘In war, shrapnel and slugs have penetrated the outer clothing but failed to penetrate the garments. When a Saint was caught in a treacherous snowslide all his clothing save the garments was torn to shreds.’ Because of this belief, a local Relief Society president instructed women in her neighborhood ‘that they must never take their garments entirely off. She said when taking a bath to always leave one leg and one arm in the garments.” (Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, 276)

The tale of the hotel fire related by Dr. Quinn sounds rather similar to a personal story told to Mike Wallace by Bill Marriott, CEO of Marriott International. Mr. Marriott claimed that when he was in a serious and fiery boating accident, his pants burned away but he himself was not burned above the knee — his garments protected him from harm.

Other types of Mormon folklore encourage the popular “magic” underwear idea as well. The LDS book Mormon Myth-ellaneous by J. Michael Hunter includes this “missionary legend”:

“Consider the story about the two missionaries in New England who took their clothes to a local laundromat. When they returned to pick up their clothes, so the story goes, they were horrified to find that the proprietor had put their garments on display in his front window with a sign that said, ‘Mormon Monkey Suits.’ Of course, our fearless missionaries confronted the owner, but he refused to return their displayed garments. At that point, the story goes, the missionaries had no choice but to shake the dust from their feet on the front steps and leave. The next morning, the missionaries returned to talk with the owner. When they arrived, they discovered that the laundromat had burned to the ground.” (146)

Do LDS undergarments represent “the same thing” as Jewish tefillin? Is it accurate to say, “All it is, is an outward expression of an inward commitment”? When Donny and Marie (and other Mormons) present Mormon undergarments as mere symbolism they effectively avoid the need to provide what would surely be an uncomfortable explanation of something that is not only “sacred,” but that also works like a charm.


About Sharon Lindbloom

Sharon surrendered her life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1979. Deeply passionate about Truth, Sharon loves serving as a full-time volunteer research associate with Mormonism Research Ministry. Sharon and her husband live in Minnesota.
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44 Responses to Sacred Mormon Garments Work Like a Charm

  1. Kate says:

    My great grandmother used to keep one toe in her garments while she was bathing. She was never completely out of them. I used to think she was such a dedicated soul. Now I just feel bad that she was so brainwashed and thought that something terrible would happen if she took them completely off. I also get so tired of hearing that they are "sacred not secret". What I find really interesting is that Joseph, Hyrum and John Taylor weren't wearing their garments when they were killed. I am also amazed at how the temple garment has been hacked up over the years. Surely Joseph Smith wouldn't approve. He said that the garment would never be changed for the convenience of men. Up until the 1920's they weren't. Joseph F. Smith said:

    "The Lord has given unto us garments of the holy priesthood, and you know what that means. And yet there are those of us who mutilate them, in order that we may follow the foolish, vain and indecent practices of the world."

    "In order that such people may imitate the fashions, they will not hesitate to mutilate that which should be held by them the most sacred of all things in the world, next to their own virtue, next to their own purity of life. They should hold these things that God has given unto them SACRED, UNCHANGED AND UNALTERED FROM THE VERY PATTERN IN WHICH GOD GAVE THEM. Let us have the moral courage to stand against the opinions of fashion, and especially where fashion compels us to BREAK A COVENANT and so commit a grievous sin."
    – President Joseph F. Smith, "Fashion and the Violation of Covenants and Duty," Improvement Era 9, August 1906, 812-815

    I know, I know, this doesn't count. I'm just wondering that if the garment pattern was given by God, and was to remain unaltered and unchanged then why are present day LDS leaders OK with it?

  2. Violet says:

    Donny implied they were doing things just like they did in Solomon's temple. Hmm. So that is why its ok?

  3. clyde says:

    but to shake the dust from their feet on the front steps and leave. There is a reference to that in the bible somewhere.
    One thing to note is how many people wear crosses as just jewelry or as a symbol of Christ sacrifice? I find it interesting because of how people are reminded of how to live there lives. Mormons wear garments. Christians wear crosses. What reminds you of how you should live your life?
    As far as the other stuff I believe Humphrey Bogart said it in the movie The Maltese Falcon. "These are things that legends are made of"

  4. Eric Johnson says:

    In that same interview, Joy mentioned "polyandry." Donny says he's never heard of this. He certainly had no clue about Joseph taking on 11 women who were already married to other men.

    I wonder, Donny…maybe put the microphone down, quit trying to entertain us with your inane jokes while having such an overprotective covering of your sister, and take an objective look at your religion. Show us how the Mormon temples imitate the rites from Solomon. Explain more about the garments' relationship to the Jewish tefillin. Come prepared next time you are interviewed by someone who, despite knowing very little, knew more about your religion that you did.

    Indeed, we're all ears.

  5. falcon says:

    Help me out here because I know next to nothing about the Mormon garment.
    Aren't there symbols on these garments? And if there are symbols on these garments, just what exactly are these symbols?
    Bottom line folks, this is all invented Mormon nonsense. Donnie was definitely in free flow mode as he waxed eloquent about the garment. He repeated what he was told and he doesn't know much about the Jewish Temple that's for certain.
    For a Christian, our protection comes through the Blood of Christ Jesus. We are clothed in righteousness because of what He did for us on the Cross. We enter into a sacred relationship with God based on our faith in Jesus and what He accomplished for us; something we can never do for ourselves. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, God's gift to us when we become born again by faith in Jesus. God's law is written on our hearts as written about in Jeremiah chapter 34. The sign of the new covenant is celebrated in communion as we remember the words of Jesus spoken by Him the night before He died.
    Now if Mormons want to get dressed up in costumes and go to the Mormon temple and do Masonic rituals and wear "sacred" garments which have absolutely no power, they can do so I suppose, but I'll stick with what Jesus did at the Cross and be very joyful that God has seen fit to reside within me as I have accepted and walk with Him in faith.

  6. I thought only ONE person was allowed in the holy of holies. And what the High Priest did in there was not too 'sacred' for everyone to know about. How can anyone take this guy seriously? ~grindael

  7. falcon says:

    As a Catholic kid I used to wear a scapular. Now for folks who are really interested you can google it and get the background. I had to do that myself because I couldn't remember what the story was behind it. Anyway the historical record is a little sketchy but one account has it that the Virgin Mary appeared to this monk and he asked for some sort of help with his order (of monks). The scapular that I wore had strings or small straps and it rested on my shoulders and at either end was sown a square piece of cloth with something on it. I have a pretty good memory for this sort of thing but I can't remember the details of this. I don't know if it was for protection or indulgences or what but I wore it until I think it just deteriorated or I lost interest. We weren't required to wear it.
    Now here's the thing, at least I had the right God the Father, Jesus and Holy Ghost. And yes it was kind of a devotional thing helping the wearer focus on the Lord. But the reality is, it didn't have much to do with anything as far as earning indulgences or receiving protection. Not that I couldn't have probably used some extra indulgences because in the Catholic system I was always kind of underwater as far as the sin to works ratio went.
    The garment the Mormons wear is really a straight jacket of sorts. It keeps Mormons bound to a form of religion. It also has no basis in reality but has enough razamataz to keep the devout Mormon entrapped in a complex system with no payoff as promised in the end.
    Christianity is Jesus……..period. Mormons can get all dressed up but in the end there really is no place to go.

  8. wyomingwilly says:

    clyde, I'm wondering if those persons who choose to wear crosses had to swear oaths pf secretcy
    including mimicking the penalties of divulging these oaths by gesturing having their throat slit from
    ear to ear ? This was part of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ ? Or perhaps another gospel ?
    Clyde, did you bother to read all this thread by Sharon ? It seems you never address the main issue
    on this blog. May you dismiss those spiritual leaders who have convinced you to follow them. You
    really don't need them influencing you any more. There's spiritual freedom without them.


  9. wyomingwilly says:

    Kate, you've shared yet another example of why we can't rely on these men to be trustworthy guides
    in spiritual truth. The answer to your question is that this counsel by Joseph F. Smith is filed in the
    " who cares" file now. He is dead, the living prophet takes priority, end of discussion. Sad is'nt it ?
    The Mormon people deserve better. God help them to dismiss these men from their lives.


  10. Swamp_Fox_Of_Va says:

    I did a google on temple garments once. The illustrations displayed markings on the garments that are almost exactly like Freemasonry symbols. Joseph Smith was a Freemason.

  11. Swamp_Fox_Of_Va says:

    Johnny – the only person allowed in the Holy of Holies, in the Wilderness Tabernacle and the Temple was the High Priest. His job was to sprinkle the blood of the sacrificial animal on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant for atonement for sins. But first he had to make atonement for his own sins, then the sins of Israel. Jesus is our high priest now. He fulfilled the law and entered the Holy of Holies in Heaven with his own blood once and for all time. The book of Hebrews explains all of this.

  12. Swamp_Fox_Of_Va says:

    LDS changes its doctrine, theology, practices and garments when expedient. They have another "revelation" of scripture.

  13. Swamp_Fox_Of_Va says:

    The reference "shake the dust off" is in reference to Jesus sending the twelve out to evangelize. He told them if the people did not hear them to shake the dust off their feet and move on. The Biblical references are Matthew 10:14; Mark 6:11 and Luke 9:5.

  14. Swamp_Fox_Of_Va says:

    Mormons are still playing with the Old testament law of Moses. The book of Galatians says that you are either under the law or under grace, not both. The Mormons try to have it both ways. Galatians also says if anybody, even an angel comes with another gospel and another Jesus he is accursed. Mormonism and Mormons are under a curse.

  15. falcon says:

    ……..and my understanding is that the person had "relief" from their sins for that one day. The blood of animals, which was a fore shadowing of that which was to come was symbolic of the perfect sacrifice, Jesus Christ. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Christ (continuously) cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Jesus is the solution to our fallen condition which results in our battle with sin which we can't ever fully overcome.
    So people do things maybe out of a sense of duty, devotion and certainly, at times, false piety, that really have no effect what-so-ever in protecting them from evil or from sinning.
    It doesn't even matter if someone has their basic theology right, the object carries no particular power. The power is in the Blood as the old hymn goes.
    I remember reading accounts of soldiers in the Civil War being shot but saved when the bullet was stopped by a Bible they were carrying in a breast pocket. The bullet would have been stopped by any book, it wouldn't have needed to be a Bible. A copy of say "War and Peace" would have served the purpose.

  16. Kate says:


    Yep, Mormons believe they are doing the exact same ceremonies and rituals as the priests did in Solomon's temple. I wonder how many animals they sacrifice in a day, month, year?

  17. Kate says:


    Yes there are markings cut into the garments. They are symbols of Free Masonry. The compass and the square. One over each breast and also a cut across the right knee I believe. Now when the garments are worn out Mormons can't just throw them away, they have to cut out the sacred symbols. Funny thing is, I have a friend who's husband is a Free Mason and they also wear temple garments, but only in their temples, not everyday. I'm not sure if they have symbols cut into their garments or not. Could this be where JS got the idea for a temple garment? Hmmm………

  18. Kate says:

    Swamp Fox,

    This is what really bothers me and helped me see that Mormonism is false. I can't just drop things that I was taught as truth for years. What's even worse is those same teachings are now being said by Mormon apologists to never have been taught. That irritates me so much. I don't buy the "new prophet trumps old one" theory. Why follow a prophet at all if the next one is just going to change it all and call it "new revelation"? Why do Mormons still tout the BoM? There is absolutely no archeological, linguistic, etc. proof to back it up, so why not just drop it and say it was just JS opinion like they have done with all of Brigham Young's revelations? There's a Primary song that LDS children sing about how a wise man builds his house upon a rock and a foolish man builds his house upon the sand. Mormonism is nothing but sand.

  19. falcon says:

    There's a song that goes:
    "Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Lift up your voice to God. Praise with the Spirit and with understanding, oh magnify the Lord."
    As believers in Christ Jesus we put on that garment of praise when we exalt, magnify and hold Him up as the One to be worshiped. We clothe ourselves in righteousness. We put on the full armor of God. You know, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the shoes-the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we carry the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
    Counterfeit religious cults like Mormonism draw their "wisdom" from several sources and in the case of "Mormonism" that source is the occult. Why in the world would anyone want to put on a garment borrowed from Free Masonry with occult symbols on it? This isn't wisdom from above. It is earthly and demonic.
    Mormonism is a very effective counterfeit. It's borrowed enough from Christianity, especially evangelical revivalism of the 19th century, to provide a "feeling" of spirituality. There's just enough religion and it's characteristics in Mormonism to get the folks to think they're really on to something. Unfortunately for Mormons the basis for Mormonism isn't the God of the Bible. He is the source of our faith and the author of our salvation. Without Him all a faux religion can offer is some temporal spiritual satisfaction, but no forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

  20. robsmom55 says:

    I guess Marie should have been wearing them on DWTS. Perhaps she wouldn't have fainted. (Joke)

  21. falcon says:

    So stay with me here……………we got a guy who used to be a treasure hunter (Joseph Smith) whose technique was to use a magic seer stone to look into the ground (for the treasure). According to Grant Palmer, author of "An Insider's View of Mormon Origins", Smith never found any treasure. He would always have an explanation for just why the treasure wasn't where he said it could be found.
    At some point he joins the Free Masons and lifts their rituals and garments and rolls the whole deal into his new religion which, he says, is the restoration of original Christianity. OK so occult symbols are on this under garment and occult symbols are on several Mormon temples.
    Now wouldn't you think that a few alarm bells would go off in the minds of Mormons? It's really not that difficult to see what's going on here, is it? Now the problem is that Mormons think they are spiritually enlightened for accepting these occult symbols and rituals. What a totally illogical conclusion to come to. But it's all driven by feelings that these folks suppose are confirmation from God that all of this mumbo jumbo is light when it's really darkness.
    There's enough evangelical fervor, so says Grant Palmer, in the BoM to flip some people's emotional switch. There's were the deception comes in. It's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the BoM is anything but a real history of a real people.
    Thankfully many Mormons are figuring out the scam. Too bad Donnie and Marie don't get it!

  22. Brian says:

    “They talked very briefly about many subjects, which resulted in virtually nothing being said about anything, with one minor exception.”

    This made me smile, as I’ve noticed this has become quite common. Sadly, interviewing people is a lost art.

    I don’t really mind what clothing people decide to wear.

    Donny spoke of promises he had made. I just wish his hope was not in building, his clothing, or his promises. I wish his hope was in promises God has made. That would be a true shield and protection.

  23. Kate says:


    Once again the problem here is……a lot of Mormons who are born into the religion are clueless about the seer stone and the treasure hunting and the Free Masons. It's really hard to explain, I was this same way and every Mormon that I know personally is this way. When you are told by leaders not to look at ANYTHING that isn't church approved and you just go about your day (every day) following a prophet and doing, doing, doing all that the church requires of you, you don't have time to look stuff up for yourself. That is, if you have even heard of some of this stuff. I'm sure not all Mormons are the way that I'm describing, I'm sure some of them read and study and are just so into it that they can rationalize it all and find a way to "incorporate it into their beliefs" (as I was told by a Mormon apologist) but all Mormons I know are clueless and are content just following along. Truly sad.

  24. wyomingwilly says:

    Kate, you said, ' I don't buy the ' new prophet trumps old one ' theory " . This is because you
    correctly know when spiritual leaders , who claim to be revealing the mind of the Lord in their
    teachings , are simply not being consistent with their claims of authority as trustworthy guides.
    May the Mormon people step back and ponder the teaching track record of the leaders. I thought
    you might like the following example of the pot calling the kettle black , by a popular Mormon
    Apostle/apologist : " As is commonly the case in the apostate churches of the world, the beliefs
    and doctrines of the Reorganized Church are in a constant state of change and alteration. They
    have no true apostles and prophets at their head to keep their members from being ' tossed to
    and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine ' " ( Eph.4:14) [ Mormon Doctrine, p630 ]

  25. Noah says:

    I think most Mormons would agree that the garments themselves have no innate power, but that the so-called protection comes from God. Of course, I consider it all superstition, not because I don't believe in divine intervention (I've experienced it), but because if it's God's will to preserve your life, he probably doesn't care what kind of underwear you've got on. As far as the underwear as a reminder of covenants made, I think that's fair. However, it's also a symbol for being set apart from the world, which has its advantages and disadvantages I suppose–disadvantageous because the whole Mormon PR thrust is to convince you that Mormons are better than everyone else, i.e., "Hi. I'm Joe. I'm a normal guy like you…except I'm cooler and have a better family than you. I'm a Mormon."

  26. clyde says:

    I am more concerned about some of the smaller issues that are in the blog. The idea of why you are wearing something that should remind you of what Jesus did? If people would think before they act then life would possible be better. A person can at least plan ahead it is not always possible but if done prayfully can possibly be done.

  27. Kate says:


    Wow, that is priceless. Truly the "pot calling the kettle black". This may be a little off topic, but it's on my mind. I get why those of us born into the religion follow it. It's what we have been taught from birth and it's the only lifestyle we have been exposed to. What I don't get is how people are so duped into converting. I'm wondering this because one of the LDS missionaries here right now is from another country and was baptized after only 11 days of the missionaries talking to her. How is that possible? 11 days! She told this to a relative of mine. She was asked how she could possibly learn the LDS religion in only 11 days and she said she didn't really learn any of it, she just KNEW it was true. 6 months later she was on her mission. Seriously? So the LDS church is sending out people who aren't even educated about the religion, to teach others? I guess they think her 11 days story is so uplifting that she can gain converts just by her testimony. The sad thing is, she probably can.

  28. Violet says:

    Biblical Christianity states we are 'set apart' at our baptism.

  29. wyomingwilly says:

    Noah, welcome.


  30. wyomingwilly says:

    clyde, I'm sorry but it seems you still won't address the main point raised by this ministry in these
    threads. The "smaller issues " ? Please clyde , may you come to see that the claims by Mormon
    prophets miss the mark on issues affecting a person's salvation. All the smaller issues are
    not going to matter much if you die in a car accident tomorrow . Please think this through, Jesus is
    waiting for you to dismiss your prophet and come to Him.


  31. 4fivesolas says:

    Now I believe there is great benefit to God's Word – that God promises the Spirit is carried with the Word, convicting us of sin and bringing God's Word of forgiveness in Christ to our sinful hearts. And Christ instituted the Lord's Supper and Baptism (which also carry God's Word)- so I see much benefit in receiving from Him these great gifts. But I don't see Mormon underwear anywhere in the Scriptures and I don't believe it carries any benefit at all – but rather is another strange adaptation that Joseph Smith made from Free Masonry.

  32. Violet says:

    Oh. . Noah, welcome. . too. 🙂

  33. falcon says:

    The whole Mormon deal is phony from beginning to end any way. Ask a Mormon how he/she knows that the garment wearing or BoM whatever pick something is true and you'll be told that God revealed it to them. That's pretty much it because when you up the ante with evidence to the contrary, they last about five minutes tops and it's back to the burning in the bosom witness. As I've pointed out countless times, this makes the Mormon feel special and superior in their spirituality but it's all built on a foundation of sand.
    Is there any Mormon that can convince me that Jesus and His disciples wore the garment and that this was a regular part of Jewish or Christian life? No, of course not.
    You see anything can be proven by a personal revelation accompanied by intense feelings if a person wants to believe it.

  34. falcon says:

    So Mormons can't trust the Bible because there isn't any Mormonism in it but they will trust the word of any man who has worked his way through the Mormon political system and is now said to be a prophet. These prophets don't even have to be right. Christ warned us about men coming saying they were something that they are not. But if a person doesn't trust the Bible in which Christ's warnings appears, then what. They are easy marks for anyone who is convincing enough and can make them feel good.
    Without Christ there is no forgiveness of sins and no eternal life. Any Christ will not do. Not trusting in and believing God's Word, His revelation, leaves a person wide open to any form of religion that can produce an emotion.

  35. wyomingwilly says:

    One Mormon apostle stated that Temples are sanctuaries where ceremonies and rites are performed
    which pertain to salvation. Another Mormon apostle taught that the Mormon temple become ," to us
    the gates of heaven. " The Church section of the Deseret News once said that, " Our salvation is
    contingent upon our belief in a living prophet and adherence to his word. He alone has the right to
    revelation for the whole Church…" With these statements we can liken the Mormon prophet to a
    gate-keeper, a door-man who will open the gate of heaven , the temple door, to those LDS who
    meet the requirements.Mormons were once counseled that a requirement to receiving the blessings
    promised in the Temple in connection with wearing the sacred temple garment was that no one was
    allowed to make any alterations to what the gate-keeper, the prophet ,said was his approved style.
    LDS were facing a compromise with their wearing this garment vrs the fashion trends of the day etc.
    Thus the prophet issued a warning . Yet , later on the prophet did some altering himself , as he changed
    his Godly counsel, he altered his anti-altering counsel to allow a style change of the sacred garment !
    [part 1 ]

  36. wyomingwilly says:

    [ part 2 ]
    Mormon prophets have a colorful history of revealing what they declare to be requirements
    from God to faithful LDS in order for them to know what constitutes proper Latter -Day Saint behavior,
    but also what is required to eventually attain eternal life with God in heaven. This spiritual guidance
    from God's mouthpiece is said to end any controversy because, as an offical Church publication
    once proclaimed, " when they propose a plan it is God's plan. "
    Our Mormon guests would do well to search the scriptures to see what God actually says on what
    constitutes an legitimate relationship with Him, rather than following the counsel of Mormon prophets
    and their "requirements".


  37. falcon says:

    In Mormonism, the test of whether or not something is true is dependent on the feeling it generates. If something generates a good, warm, positive feeling (a tingling feeling is even better) then whatever is prayed about is true. Now what happens if someone gets a negative feeling. Well then it's not true and even said to be of Satan.
    But here's another clause in the Mormon contract. If someone reads and prays about the BoM and gets the warm fuzzies regarding it, then at that point "everything" in Mormonism is true. So actually nothing else has to be prayed about, in theory.
    So if someone gets a negative vibe about the temple ceremony where slitting of the throat and disembowelment gestures are made, that negative feeling is not of Satan, because you've already accepted the Mormon package. What happens, I wonder, if a Mormon doesn't want to wear the "sacred garment" because they get a negative feeling about it? Well you're stuck with it.
    I'm wondering if a Mormon can get into the Celestial kingdom and become a god without wearing the garment. In Mormonism, the Blood of Jesus is only really effective if all other criteria for godhood are met. Now the criteria is a little unclear and hence Mormons are kept in a constant state of tension as to if they have done enough including, I guess, wearing the garment.
    For the interested Mormon, here's what the Bible tells us about the forgiveness of sins and the obtaining of eternal life. It's done through faith, period. No rituals to perform, no costumes to wear. No specified amount of money to contribute or callings to fullfill. Jesus is sufficient! In the Mormon system, becoming a god is earned. Nobody gets to be one without jumping through a lot of hoops including wearing a special set of underwear.
    If you're tired of the Mormon grind, which is false, and all the guilt and shame associated with the Mormon program I'd suggest coming to Jesus in faith. He said his yoke was light. It's really an insult to God, considering all He has done for us, to think that we can in anyway participate in our salvation. He did it all. Now we need to decide if we will accept it.

  38. Violet says:

    I thought Jesus said, 'Do not trust your feelings.' 'Feelings are not to be trusted.' Trust Him. And Him only. (The Bible.) Feelings can be deceitful.

  39. Violet says:

    They are just more spiritually mature because they can look past all evidence, doubt and believe Jesus needed Joseph Smith to restore the church. What about 'It is finished.' What Jesus should have said was, 'It is finished until Joseph Smith reads the golden plates.' Looking past feelings, evidence, and common sense left me with a lot of years of heartache regarding awful first boy-friends. Should have looked at evidence, history, doubt and listened to my 'sixth sense' (gut feeling.)

  40. Kate says:


    I love this. It was such a wonderful thing when I finally "got it". It seemed too easy at first. I didn't understand how it could be this easy, but it is. All I can say is FREEDOM!

  41. Violet says:

    Hi. SwampFox. I am Lutheran Missouri Synod and we are all about the differences between Law and Gospel. So I get it. If Donnie is so big into Solomon's temple, why aren't they into all the other old testament laws? Sacrificing animals, etc. Also, was born in 67 so it was all about the Osmonds (and the Jackson Five.) We knew every song. Can't believe this whole time he was wearing sacred garments singing. 'One Bad Apple won't spoil the whole bunch, Girl.' It just a way of total indoctrination. Submit. And its part of a religion that tells someone what to wear, what to eat, what to think and what to do (behavior.) The bible is not about that. No wonder Joseph Smith said not to trust the bible. We are saved by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Jesus Christ, not by works that no one should boast.

  42. Violet says:

    Isn't that something about the curtain. That Jesus 'tore the veil' so we could be with God (without needing a high priest.) Which is exactly opposite of mormonism. They need order, order, order.

  43. Violet says:

    Wearing a cross is a public display of our devotion to the one true and living God. Its not too sacred and secret to keep 'under wraps.' Once you keep secret, then it becomes 'twisted'. One one hand they send missionaries to tell the world about Christ, milk before meat, etc. Wearing a cross does not protect a person. That would be voodoo. Believing in Christ, faith alone, grace alone, scripture alone, that He has done it all, and what we wear under our clothes, or over our clothes is not the point. Wearing sacred underwear is indoctrination because the thought of 'not wearing' it, would be a giant scary leap for someone. Its meant to conform, or be cast out.

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