Avoid over-the-top, endless discussions over contextualizing the gospel

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” – Mark 16:15

After all the pomp involved in bloviating on “missional paradigm”, “contextualization”, “incarnational ministry”, “cross-cultural communication”, “interreligious dialog”, at the end of the day Christians still have a God-given mandate to preach the gospel to all creation, to communicate those basic elements of the gospel which need no major contextualization and are universally relevant.

[SWF] http://www.youtube.com/v/aVjPhSTSNYM,425,353[/SWF]

And may God grant that we not disobey Christ’s mandate by avoiding evangelism to strangers and limiting it to what we stubbornly demand as prerequisite, well-established relationships of credibility and trust.

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