Did the Sun Rise?

Resurrection Morning

The wind blew on Friday and snuffed the lamp out. The wind blew. The earth shook. Darkness settled down like a heavy, suffocating pall. Wailing and mourning and oppressive grief filled every fold.

Go home. Light the fire. Think of other things.

Did the sun rise on Saturday? Did the birds dare to sing? Maybe. Probably. But it was not a day like any other. Darkness still reigned in the hearts of God’s people. Their hopes and their dreams died a slow death on Friday. As they watched, their peace drained away in wandering rivulets down the beam of a Cross, finally – mercifully – soaking into the dusty earth. The lamp had been snuffed out on Friday. On Saturday, for them, the sun did not rise.

On Sunday morning, while it was still dark, they headed for the tomb. Heavy of heart, burdened with sadness, they brought spices to honor the One in whom they had trusted; the One they loved. On the way, the sharp darkness began to soften. Would the sun indeed rise this day?

The earth shook. Heaven opened. The stone rolled away. (Matthew 28; John 20)

Do not be afraid.

Look! There He stands, His face like the sun shining in full strength. (Revelation 1:17)

Do not be afraid.

Look! He who is, who was, and who is to come – the Almighty — is alive. (Revelation 1:8)

Do not be afraid. The darkness is gone. The lamp is relit. The Son has risen from the dead, just as He said. (Matthew 28:6)

Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is risen today! He was dead, and behold, He lives forevermore. (Revelation 1:18)

Hope is reborn. Peace is renewed. The glory of the LORD has risen upon God’s people. Their sun shall no more go down, nor their moon withdraw itself; for the LORD will be their everlasting light, and the days of their mourning shall be ended. (Isaiah 60:1, 20)

Christ is risen!

Does His everlasting light shine in you?

About Sharon Lindbloom

Sharon surrendered her life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1979. Deeply passionate about Truth, Sharon loves serving as a full-time volunteer research associate with Mormonism Research Ministry. Sharon and her husband live in Minnesota.
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5 Responses to Did the Sun Rise?

  1. Rick B says:

    I am saying Happy Easter only to the truly saved, Because if your an atheist or a person who thinks they are saved but are not, Matthew 7:21-23

    Then Easter is really nothing more than another day, and in the end after you die, you will be condemned for all of eternity and there is nothing to be happy about in that.

    so let me ask this?
    1. Does your relationship with God make you sure that you will go to heaven when you die?

    2. What would you say God’s requirements are for you to get into heaven?

  2. Brian says:

    Beautiful, Sharon. Thank you so much.

  3. jaxi says:

    Truly He is Risen!

  4. falcon says:


    Isn’t it enough if someone tries hard to be a good person, is sincere and believes in “something”? Jesus died for everyone, didn’t He?

  5. Rick B says:

    Yes Falcon, Jesus did die for everyone, But sadly as you know, not everyone believes He died for them or even exists.

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