All You’ll Ever Need
By Andrew Peterson
The blood of Jesus, it is like the widow’s oil
It’s enough to pay the price to set you free
It can fill up every jar and every heart that ever beat
When it’s all you have it’s all you’ll ever need
The blood of Jesus, it is like the leper’s river
Running humble with a power you cannot see
Seven times go under, let the water wash you clean
Only go down in the Jordan and believe
And I need it, I need it, the closer that I grow
The more I come to know how much I need it
The blood of Jesus it is like Elijah’s fire
Falling on the altar of your faith
All the wisdom of the world could never conjure up a spark
But no power of Hell could ever quench this flame
No power of Hell could ever touch this flame
And I need it, I need it, the closer that I grow
The more I come to know how much I need the blood of Jesus
The blood of Jesus, it is like the widow’s oil
When it’s all you have it’s all you’ll ever need
Aaron, being forgiven and receiving a relationship with God that gives me eternal life and
a place living with God in heaven because of the blood of Jesus shed for me ! It’s humbling to
realize that I could not merit or earn eternal life ( exaltation) by my efforts to dwell in the
presence of God above even if I had a 1000 years to and try and do so . It’s all about Jesus
( as Kate loves to say) and His “merit” applied to me that I can live in God’s intimate presence
in heaven , when I surrender to Him. Rom 3:24-28; Eph 2:8-10 ; Phil 3:9 speak of this good news .
God is offering us the gift of eternal life based on our faith in what Jesus did for us. He is the qualified Savior who through the shed blood of the cross paid the price for our sins. He was our substitute on the cross and He took the punishment and the shame on Himself that rightly belonged to us.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not complicated.
When we repent and come to Him in faith we are declared righteous. We can’t add anything to what Jesus did for us nor do we merit anything based on our works.
Our transformed life is the outward sign that we are being transformed by God’s grace.
So should we continue in sin so that grace may abound? May it never be. How can we who have died to sin continue in it? But if we do sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Mormonism isn’t even a distant cousin of Christianity. It’s beliefs are the mental meanderings of false prophets who supposed that their random thoughts were revelations from a god of some sort within a pantheon of other gods.
Mormons are lost in their sins because they reject the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation. They suppose through their works they can be transformed into gods. This isn’t even acceptable heresy. It’s demonic and blasphemous. But it appeals to the pride of men as they fall head-long into the same trap that Lucifer did.
Yes indeed, “the Blood of Jesus is all you’ll ever need.”
The whole of the Gospel is summarized in those words. Who can add anything to the Blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? It’s the folly and pride of man that could even consider such a thing.
The devil, however, likes to lead folks down a path of works righteousness in order to steal the blessing that is available to us through Christ Jesus Our Lord.
The error comes when people get it into their heads that Christ made it possible for them to achieve something if they just do enough. That’s not the Gospel. The Gospel tells us that our works are like dirty rags. The apostle Paul, talking about the surpassing achievements he attained in his former religious life, said the achievements/works were rubbish compared to knowing Christ.
Mormons just can’t wrap their heads around an idea that is so simple. But their “restored gospel” isn’t even a variation of what the Bible teaches. The restored gospel is and abomination; an attempt to steal God’s glory and attribute it to man. There is nothing in the Mormon gospel that bears any resemblance to what God reveals to us in His Word.
How simple, yet when I think of the 36 yrs in the Mormon church I spent, the music, is not simple , yet takes you away from Jesus, like this song about Joseph Smith called, Praise to the man, and in that song it even says mingling with GODs, he can plan for his brethren.
I am always grateful for each day forward and another day behind me without the mormon church in anyway , even its music would trap you, but this song, is so simple and true and beautiful, i sure missed Jesus for along time, he was all i NEEDED .
It goes back to Genesis 12 and the choosing of Abraham. God promised Abraham three things; land, seed and a blessing. The land promise is amplified in the Palestinian Covenant in Genesis 15, the Seed promise in the Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7, and the blessing in the New Heart Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31.
What God says is that he will give believers a new heart and their sins and lawless deeds he will remember no more. That’s the point of the Last Supper when Jesus tells his disciples about the sign of the New Covenant. That’s when He takes the bread representing His body and breaks it. He then takes the wine as the symbol of His blood.
The New Covenant now takes the place of the Old Covenant which no one can keep. The Law demonstrates to us the hopelessness of our situation.
What the Law couldn’t do through the flesh God did by sending His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, He condemned sin in the flesh.
It’s a marvelous thing to come to an understanding of what this covenant means. God sealed the covenant in His own blood. A blood covenant is the most serious covenant that can be made.
To think that anyone might try and add anything to what God has done is pure folly. What God offers us is the gift of eternal life. A gift can’t be earned and in our case, it is not deserved. God in His benevolence, love and mercy offers us this gift of eternal life through faith. Being born again by the Spirit of God is the only way to enter into the promise of eternal life.
Ironman1995, someday I hope to sing right alongside you, belting our voices out in joy.
Jason, I was in the process of reply to you and when I hit submit, it said comments are closed. This is my reply to you and I fell it fits in this thread since it is all about what Jesus did for us and not what we can do for our salvation.
It is not a matter of believing Jesus visited other countries, It is a matter of having a different Jesus. Do you skip all the verses in the Bible that talk about False Gospels? Or False teachers? Or false doctrine? or false gods and false christs? Do you really believe that if the Bible mentions all of these groups or people and it says they are false, that they can still save you?
Did you miss the parts in the Bible that says, Liars, thieves, homosexuals, Adulterous people and a whole host of other people will not make it into heaven.
You made the claim that we must do works to be exalted into heaven, well did you miss the part where Jesus said, People will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, We cast out demons in your name, we feed the poor in your name, we did all these good works in your name. So Jason it seems people are saying they did all sorts of good works in the name of Jesus. But what did Jesus say? He said, Depart from me your worker of evil, for I never knew you.
All these people like you thought they were doing good works in the name of Jesus, even casting out demons, Yet Jesus called them evil and said he never knew them.
Also did you miss what Jesus said in the Gospel of John? The leaders came to Jesus and said, Jesus, what WORKS must we do, notice they said works, plural, you teach and believe in works. But what Did Jesus say, the ONLY WORK you must do is believe on Him whom God sent.
So Jesus says ONE WORK, Not work(S). And what was/is that ONE WORK? It is simply to believe in Jesus. So with that said, Why do you still refuse to answer me and reject everything I say?
You can read the exact Website I read – it mentions none of the things you speak of. It says salvation is freely offered to all people so I’m confused as to which of you are right. Are you presenting the true salvation or the other Christian site?
Jason, I dont need to go to the site you mention as I agree with what they say. Salvation is a free Gift Just as that site claims, and Falcon laid out. But you need to read the Bible, Paul said in the Bible, Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. Thats Grace, No works. But as I said, not everyone is or will be saved. The Bible talks about People who will not be saved and who will go to the lake of fire.
Jesus also said, that not everyone is or will be a child of God, they have a father and he is the Devil. As I pointed out, Jesus even said not everyone who says, Lord, Lord, will be saved, and not everyone who says, Lord, Lord, Knows Jesus.
The Bible tells us clearly who God is and what He is like, The Bible tells us that we must Worship God in Spirit and in TRUTH. You can worship the wrong god and if you do how do you expect to be saved? Again, If you listen to false prophets, do you believe that false prophet will tell you the truth on how to be saved or who Jesus really is?
If you as I said, find someone or something and give it or them a name, and that name is Jesus, well that Jesus is not the true Jesus. So How can you be saved? You cannot. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Let’s be clear on what I did. I went to the Roman’s Road to Salvation page where I followed the instructions precisely. I did the following:
Would you like to follow the Romans road to salvation? If so, here is a simple prayer you can pray to God:
“God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. With your help, I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness – the gift of eternal life! Amen!”
Have you made a decision for Christ because of what you have learned through the Romans road to salvation? If so, please click on the :
“I have accepted Christ today” button below.”
I clicked the button. And then I filled out the form to request the ‘What Now’ brochure that will explain what I do now that I’ve accepted Christ.
But now you are claiming that’s not enough – I have to do more? Since I laid out exactly what I did to obtain salvation maybe it would help if you did the same? I think that would help.
Can you post what you did to obtain salvation and be specific? Following 1 Peter 3:15 can you:
“…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”
I would appreciate that.
Saying a prayer does not equal salvation. Faith is a gift of God – a simple trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross – Christ’s work in our lives where Jesus gives us His mercy and grace. The benefits of his death for our sins is delivered to us when we hear and trust His gift of grace – we realize we are sinners in need of a Savior and then we hear the good news of Jesus death for us for eternal life. And through His means God creates a simple trust in Jesus death and resurrection. It’s not about you accepting Christ, but rather God showing you His character and love in His death for you as a sinner, willingly giving His life for yours, and when you see Jesus mercy for our evil hearts and believe God’s promise of salvation. Jesus comes to us and washes us and makes us His children. He communes with us and gives us Himself in the Lord’s Supper. He continually pours out his mercy and forgiveness on us. How do I know that Jesus has mercy on me a sinner? Read the Scriptures – every time someone fell before Him, recognizing their own sinfulness, and asked for mercy and forgiveness Jesus freely gave out forgiveness. I have no doubt He does the same for me.
If you are to be saved, you must believe Jesus’ Word of forgiveness and not doubt there is One God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who loves you and has done everything for your salvation.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not complicated. Well I sure do run into complicated things about it. To me the glory of God is intelligence and knowing God and Jesus whom he has sent is something I am constantly learning about.
Aaron , thanks, when you come down to Orlando Fl area, you just let me know, I attend Real Life Church, the music lifts the heart , cant wait
What is said on that site is accurate but unfortunately you did not go there to learn that simple truth so may I suggest that you listen to what Rick & 4fives are saying because once again you are showing your true colours. Mormon Missionaries (salesmen) are fond of telling people who do not receive confirmation about the BofM that they did not pray with a “sincere intent” to know the truth & yet here you are, trying to tell everyone here that you went to that site out of a true desire to know the truth? Do you really expect anyone to believe that? Do you expect us to believe anything you say when you have demonstrated time after time that you accept things only when they conform to your anti-Christian theology? It seems there is no end to your hypocrisy. The only reason you went to that site was to use it a vehicle for your own ego & to mock what Rick had told you. Well, I’m sure Ricks shoulders are broad enough to take anything you care to throw in his direction but be very sure that in your need to mock you do not mock God! You might learn something if you read & understood John 3:16 & please show me where in that verse John qualifies what he says with ifs & buts or rules to be followed?
Clyde said
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not complicated”
That’s a pretty accurate assessment Clyde so perhaps you could tell me why the LDS church makes it complicated?
Jason said
I’m not claiming you must do more.
You claim you followed the Romans road prayer, Thats great, now let me ask you, do you still believe JS is a true prophet of God and that JS was called by God? Do you still believe the BoM is another testament and book given by God via JS. If you said yes, then please explain this verse in light of that fact.
If you say no about following JS and the BoM, then will you right here on this blog state openly and plainly you believe JS is a false prophet and the BoM is a fraud, then go and remove your website and stop teaching a false gospel and preaching the teachings of a false prophet? If not, then explain how you believe you are saved according to simply reading word for word a prayer, but still following a false prophet?
The Gospel of Jesus Christ isn’t complicated. Mormons change the simple message of the cross as presented in the NT, adding things to it that don’t belong there. Not only that but Mormons have a different God. So perhaps the Mormon restored gospel is complicated.
I see you’re playing the Mormon game again and I think you need to be honest and exercise some full-disclosure.
Mormons are fond of using Christian terms in order to confuse people.
So tell us who this Jesus is who you claim to have pressed the button for and in so doing have secured for yourself eternal life?
The Jesus discussed in the website wouldn’t be the Jesus who is the spirit off-spring of a father god and mother goddess who live on or near the planet Kolob. He is just one of many spirit children of this god and his many wives, though He is a valiant son. The Jesus who you acknowledge was physically conceived by this Mormon god having physical sex with the Virgin Mary, hence this god had sex with his own daughter.
So you can push all of the buttons on as many websites as you can find, but if you don’t know Jesus, you’re just playing games.
I’m always looking for your sources. Can you stir me towards your sources for the Mormon Jesus and the Mormon plan of salvation which is two fold. The first being universal salvation offered to everyone who ever lived and the second “salvation” is the one a Mormon works for in order to become a god.
I can’t find the Mormon Jesus or the Mormon plan of salvation in the NT. I can’t find Mormon first century temples, rites and rituals or Mormon polygamy in the first century church.
So please give us some references regarding the Mormon Jesus and the Mormon plan of salvation.
So Jason,
You went to a website, were you were provided a formula along with a button to push if you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. So when you pushed that button, what was your understanding of who Jesus is? You can follow a formula and push buttons 24/7 but if you don’t know who Jesus is, you’re just wearing out your index finger and your computer mouse.
Here’s what at least one of your Mormon prophets has to say about who Jesus is:
The LDS Church News reported: “In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ. No, I don’t. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fulness [sic] of Times'”
“Am I Christian?” Hinckley asked rhetorically, “Of course I am. I believe in Christ. I talk of Christ. I pray through Christ. I’m trying to follow Him and live His gospel in my life”
The article quoted above states:
“The traditional Christian view of Jesus is based solely on the Bible, Hinckley’s Christ is based to a large extent on extra-biblical revelation. It is not surprising then to find significant differences.”
So Jason that’s why I ask what your sources are for the Jesus you claim to have accepted by pushing a button on a website. False prophets present a false Christ and a false plan of salvation. Mormons go outside the Biblical revelation which is totally at odds with the (Bible).
It’s not surprising to hear and read of Mormons who got saved and left Mormonism based on their study of the NT. The NT is @anti-Mormon literature.
Because of your pride and arrogance I don’t have a whole lot of hope for you. Although God has a way of taking pride and arrogance and obliterating it.
Better now than latter I say.
I’m still waiting for my post to be moderated although Falcon has pretty much covered what I was trying to say. There is however one important fact that I left out of my post I should also have said that saying “I believe in Christ” is not sufficient for salvation, one must believe “on the person of Christ” That in essence is what separates Christians from cultists. All cults & heresies say they follow Christ but in their very next breath they deny the person of Christ.
So I know what the next stop along the way is going to be for our Mormon posters. They are going to head to the various Councils that were held in the first four hundred years of the Church which clearly defined what (the Church) believed regarding the nature of God. And of course we will be treated to the same old tired refrain about the Christian God having been “created” by men.
I have a suggestion. Let’s do this. Let’s put aside what the Church councils said about the nature of God. Let’s even put aside what the Church Fathers wrote about the nature of God. Let’s even put aside Church tradition regarding the nature of God. And finally let’s put aside what Mormon “prophets” said that they had revealed to them.
Let’s do this. Let’s consider the NT and what it says about Jesus. Let’s go with that alone. It would be as if a copy of the NT suddenly came into the hands of someone who didn’t know anything about Jesus and they read it. What would they come away with for an impression of who Jesus is?
Who does the NT tells us Jesus is, what He did.
I guess I wasn’t clear. I followed the Roman’s Road to Salvation. The folks at that church have my home address and will be sending out the welcome brochure.
If after being as plain and as clear as I can be, you guys are having so much trouble recognizing if I have been saved – how do each of you know the other has been saved?
I honestly want the formula. And I can assure you that Got Questions Ministries considers me saved as I stand this moment. However, Rick wants to add a ton of other works and requirements to my salvation others are second-guessing etc.
I need you guys to lay it on the line here. Here’s what I need:
If I were on my death bed THIS morning and had 5 minutes to live. You are all in my hospital room and the doctors tell you “Jason has literally 5 minutes to live say your last goodbyes” and I ask you how to be saved, what would each of you tell me? This is not a joke.
So please, stay with the spirit of this post which is “All You’ll Ever Need” & “The blood of Jesus, it is like the widow’s oil” and explain what I would need to do.
I ask this because I already told you what I did but now I’m getting all kinds of resistance. I was told one thing by Got Questions Ministries and another by you and there seems to be a division in the body of Christ. So there it is. I have 5 minutes to live. I’m asking YOU what to do.
It would help if you told me what YOU did so that I can do the same.
“I ask this because I already told you what I did but now I’m getting all kinds of resistance. I was told one thing by Got Questions Ministries and another by you and there seems to be a division in the body of Christ. So there it is. I have 5 minutes to live. I’m asking YOU what to do.
It would help if you told me what YOU did so that I can do the same.”
What you’re asking for isn’t what you really want to know, I may be wrong but I suspect that what you really want is an opportunity to debunk whatever replies you get to that question. You know full well that you have no intention of doing what anyone suggests.
In spite of what you claim no one is telling you anything different to what you read on that site, what they are doing is telling you is that you are not sincere & that you cannot be saved unless you believe in the Jesus of the Bible, not in some figment of your prophets imagination. You dont want to be told what to do, you are looking for another opportunity to mock, I read you like a book jason. However, in response to your request I’ll tell you what to do in the extremely unlikely event that you’re serious. not on your deathbed though but right now. Get out your Bible, forget everything you’ve been told by your leaders, read the New Testament with no preconcieved ideas, learn about the real Christ & then having discovered reality, commit yourself to Him.
Old Man,
“…saying I believe in Christ” is not sufficient for salvation, one must believe “on the person of Christ..”
I really need clarification here. Got Questions Ministries mentions NOTHING like this on their entire Website. Nowhere to be found. You can do site searches with Google where you use Google to search only a single site. Here’s what I got back:
No results found for “believe on the person of Christ” site:www.gotquestions (.org)/.
Can you give me more in-depth info on “believe on the person of Christ” and how that is different than what you said on the “Component Parts of God” post on March 1st when I asked how John obtained his salvation:
“I’m sure that John will tell you what he did in a very scholarly way, unfortunately I dont have the command of English that he has so I’ll tell you in one simple sentence:
He believed, because that’s all God asked him to do. John 3:16
Sorry, I know you need something more complicated than that to satisfy your huge ego but I’m afraid it’s all I have.”
If you can explain the two different answers that would great.
I’ve been away for awhile and I’m catching up, all I can say is WOW. For someone to go to a website, say a prayer, click a button and expect Salvation is ridiculous. Now, I understand what the website is meaning, but for Mormons and others who are clueless as to what the Bible says about Jesus and Salvation they just won’t get it. I’m curious as to whether or not this website teaches Jesus and then Salvation so that the inquirer has an understanding of Him and what it means to be Saved?
Where do we truly learn about Salvation? The Bible. Where do we learn about the true and living Christ? The Bible. If someone is truly serious about Jesus and Salvation that is where they will turn.
I’m afraid someone here is playing games. I clearly see a mind that is seared. It is good for lurkers to get a feel of what happens to someone when they are led astray by false prophets and false teachings. Bless all of you Christians who have the patience for people like this.
“I really need clarification here. Got Questions Ministries mentions NOTHING like this on their entire Website. Nowhere to be found. You can do site searches with Google where you use Google to search only a single site. Here’s what I got back: No results found for “believe on the person of Christ” site:www.gotquestions (.org)”
Obviously you didn’t look very hard so here’s a quote from a site concerning the person of Christ, it took me about 30 seconds to find.
“The greatest heresies of the history of the church were about the Person of Christ, and the greatest heresies of today are no different. In fact, they are not really new heresies, just old lies in a new outfit.”
“If you can explain the two different answers that would great.”
I didn’t give you two different answers; again it comes back, just as it always does to what you seem incapable of understanding. John had already explained, right from the first verse of his Gospel, John 1:1 who he knew Christ to be & therefore Christs words in John 3:16 were an affirmation of that knowledge. One of the biggest problems with Mormonism is taking verses out of context in order to justify untenable theological theories. When I said “He believed, because that’s all God asked him to do” I was simply stating the Biblical truth shown clearly in Johns Gospel & expressed in 3:1.
As for me giving you more information on the person of Christ, well, you claim to know scripture, you claim that your beliefs are founded in scripture & yet you do not know what I am talking about? Read the New Testament again only this time allow God to speak to you through His word instead of listening to the words of false prophets. I wish I could help you Jason but I can’t. You surely need Gods touch to turn you away from the darkness of deception into the light of His word as given through Christ.
Kate, since you reject the Roman’s Road to Salvation from Got Questions Ministry and therefore reject my own salvation can you kindly tell me exactly what YOU did to obtain your salvation? Please be specific and list the steps plain and clear.
Old Man, “the person of Christ” is a different context than one must “believe on the person of Christ” as you said. Can you kindly tell me exactly what YOU did to obtain your salvation? Please be specific and list the steps plain and clear.
I’m perplexed as to why this is so hard. Is ANYONE else willing to tell what they DID specifically to obtain their salvation so that I may do the same? Anyone?
You are barking up the wrong tree kiddo. I have absolutely no desire to converse with a demanding, foot stomping, tantrum throwing, belligerent child. You show clearly from your posts that you could care less what Christians believe and from what I’ve seen you don’t answer questions, are mean spirited and a waste of my time. Unlike other Christians on this board, patience is NOT one of my virtues. Something I may need to work on but not with you.
Let’s be clear. Kate has NO idea the state of my heart when I followed the Roman’s Road to Salvation yet she is fully willing to sit in judgement on my salvation. Fair enough. Her choice.
So Kate is out. ANYONE else willing to share the good news of how they obtained their salvation in clear and simple steps?
Jason, you claim I gave you a list of works to do, that is not true, so please list them for me. Now you feel were not working with you here, the reason is simple, you refuse to answer our questions. So that tells us your playing games and will in turn claim Joseph Smith is a true prophet of god and in turn you can follow your false prophet, lead people astray and claim your saved. Honestly dont expect much help from us if you wont answer our questions.
“Old Man, “the person of Christ” is a different context than one must “believe on the person of Christ” as you said. Can you kindly tell me exactly what YOU did to obtain your salvation? Please be specific and list the steps plain and clear.”
I answered your question as clearly as it can be answered, it is nothing at all to do with context & you know it. the 2 sytatements are inextricably linked. If you don’t know who Christ is then you can have no genuine faith in Him. I dont know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or you genuinly can’t understand, I suspect it’s the former because no one could be that ignorant. Let me explain again in words that a child would understand.
I told you this a while back “He believed, because that’s all God asked him to do” & I quoted John 3:16 there is no conflict between that statement & my saying that you must believe on the person of Christ. So, let’s look at what John said in the very first verse of his gospel John 1:1 John knew who Christ was & he believed “on the person of Christ” Don’t blame me if you’re incapable of understanding that. In the first 2 chapters John is telling the reader not just about Christ but WHO CHRIST IS & in chapter 3 uses Christs words to tell them what they must do to be saved on the assumption that they understand this.
By the way, I notice that my remarks concerning your inability to find any reference to this have been ignored.
I told you Jason, I can’t help you, you’re beyong human help & unless you can stop ignoring distorting & taking out of context the things I say there is no point in discussing this any further.
Do you personally reject the Roman’s Road to Salvation from Got Questions Ministries as false doctrine?
I renounce ALL false prophets. I renounce ALL false scripture. I renounce ALL false Christs. Do I need to do more?
Will you now explain what you did personally to obtain your salvation?
I want you to say, I believe joseph smith is a fasle prophet and the book of mormon is false, joseph smith could easly say he rejects false teaching while teaching it. I notice you very deliberate in how you worded that, im not playing your game, im smarter than that
Old Man,
“In the first 2 chapters John is telling the reader not just about Christ but WHO CHRIST IS & in chapter 3 uses Christs words to tell them what they must do to be saved on the assumption that they understand this.”
Ok.. that’s fine. But why are you unwilling to simply tell me what you did to obtain salvation? I freely told the entire board what I did. Why are you not willing to share the specifics of what YOU did?
jasonrae, have you renounced Adam-God?
“In the first 2 chapters John is telling the reader not just about Christ but WHO CHRIST IS & in chapter 3 uses Christs words to tell them what they must do to be saved on the assumption that they understand this.”
“Ok.. that’s fine. But why are you unwilling to simply tell me what you did to obtain salvation? I freely told the entire board what I did. Why are you not willing to share the specifics of what YOU did?”
I’m not unwilling, I’ve already told you Jason. See above & read John 3:16
I want you to tell me how I can become a god. I’m serious. I really want to know. Its always been a mystery to me. List the steps that I need to take to become a god. I want a detailed list and I want to know when I’ll know when I’ve done enough to become a god.
The ” Roman Road” ? While I have not looked at that particular site Jason cites, I did become
saved when the verses referred to as the “Roman Road” to salvation were shared with me in
5th grade class at Vacation Bible school . Simple and yet dynamic , the gospel of Jesus Christ .
Since that time have learned that not all “gospels” are equal . There are imitations of the true
gospel of salvation ( Rom 1:16) . Sincere people that follow who they believe are “modern day”
prophets or apostles come to my door with their gospel of salvation . Since I’ve been warned by
Jesus to expect false prophets with their imitation gospels to come in the latter days therefore I
am very cautious . When I read how some of these men claiming to be directed by Jesus to
teach His salvation which they claim is once again available to man having been “restored” in
1830 then I get real curious as to what this alleged newly restored salvation message is , does
it agree with what Paul taught etc ? Then I observe that these men state things like you must
merit eternal life (exaltation) , by works , in order to receive the blessing of living with God in
His very presence in heaven after death a person must earn this by individual effort— works .
A salvation message like this is a red flag, while it may contain some elements that are true I have
evaluated it in light of the gospel of salvation message Paul taught and found it to be a imitation,
and the Holy Spirit confirmed that diagnosis . I’m stickin with the apostles that preached in
the New Testament , their salvation message saved those who embraced it then , and it will
still do that today .
I would like to see that.
This didn’t work for Joseph back in 1822:
Jo then began his money digging career.
While we’re waiting for you to list for us how a person can become a god, I’m going to help you out on that other deal you’re wondering about and that is how to get saved.
I think you’ve already done it! What you did is go to a Christian website, read a little explanation and push the “Agree” button.
It’s the pushing of the button that gets a person saved. Had you “agreed” and not pushed the button, you wouldn’t have been saved. You have to push the button. It’s the button pushing act that saves a person. I know button pushing could be interpreted as a “work” because the person is expending a certain amount of energy in the process, but I wouldn’t call button pushing a “work”.
Now the beauty of this is now that you have pushed the “agree” button” you can sin with absolute impunity without any fear of punishment. If you do feel a little guilty, all you have to do is go out and push “agree” button again and all is forgiven.
Renounce your belief that Original sin as the mormon church sees it is wrong.
Even though there is something to what they say about especially when they say that God came up with this inferior plan that we have now.
Renounce your belief that we all pre existed. Even though Ecclesiates 12:7 says our spirit returns to God who gave it.
Another thought to think about is How have you been treating people? If you’re doing the right thing then you’re okay. But you have to be sure you are doing the right thing. At times life will get confusing. What you see they don’t see.
Pretty soon they will probably be saying if you don’t answer my questions we won’t answer your. It is typical that they do this so your search for an honest answer is for naught. And you are asking a simple question.
I originally was going to be sarcastic but more post lead me to a different tact Remember Jason sometimes you might think they are close to understanding what you believe but they will tend to brush you off.
Jason remember Ephesians 6:13. It sounds like after all you can do.
Ah Yes clyde.
If we Christians just “understood” what Jason “understands” we’d be falling all over ourselves to join up with the LDS church. As I’ve pointed out several times on this blog, it’s not that we don’t understand the “restored gospel”, we understand it plainly, it’s that we don’t believe it. And besides, I thought it was the burning in the bosom that was the deal closer not “understanding”.
Here’s the problem you Mormons face. Members of the LDS church are leaving in unprecedented numbers. It’s because they have come to understand Mormonism that has led them to leave.
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is losing a record number of its membership. A new report quotes an LDS general authority who said more members are falling away today than any time in the past The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is losing a record number of its membership. A new report quotes an LDS general authority who said more members are falling away today than any time in the past 175 years.”
“At meetings like General Conference, Utahns may be used to seeing members of the LDS Church show up in record numbers. But according to a recent Reuters article citing LDS General Authority Marlin K. Jensen, for the church as a whole, the record in going in a different direction.”
So I guess these folks that are leaving in record numbers just don’t “understand” the restored gospel.
While guys like you and Jason are showing up on blogs like this to try and defend the restored gospel, huge numbers are showing up to get answers that will lead them out of the religion.
The LDS church just can’t provide enough cover to keep those at the contemplative stage in the program.
That’s what you need to understand clyde.
No not really because there are some things that you probably cannot accept. You are not a drone falcon. You are a thinking human being. This is something we have in common. You might say we don’t.
Clyde, Have you ever seen the Movie, The Wizard of Oz? You remind me of the scarecrow, Do you know why? He was the one that wanted a brain.
Now before someone freaks over that, I want you to go back and read this thread over again. Now we both know thats to much work for you and you did not do it, So let me remind you of something. We, Me, falcon, Old man and others asked Jason some questions FIRST. What does first mean Clyde, it does not mean Second, are we clear yet? I’m sorry I need to spell things out for you, but this is about the only way you can understand.
We asked questions first, Jason ignored the questions, Then asked us some. This is typical of you mormons, Dodge questions and then blame us. Now Your famous for avoiding questions and rambling. Now if you want to take me to task on this then go for it, show me where I am wrong, but we both know you cannot.
Also I am a betting man, I bet we wont see much of Jason after this, He came on, announced how Superior he was and how smart he was, I bet he was thinking we all would pee are pants and cower in fear at the name of Jason, But since that did not happen, he seems strangely silent, and even if he does come back, were waiting for him to answer our questions. Then we can move on and see if he is serious or just playing games.
Rick, why bring any specific person into it? Does the bible say I need to “believe joseph smith is a false prophet”? If so, where is the scripture and verse?
Do I need to reject Nostradamus, Harold Camping and thousands of others specifically by name??
Are you saying the atonement of the Son of God is held in check until Joseph Smith is personally renounced by name? Wow. This is astounding doctrine. According to you I have to personally say in prayer to God that I renounce Joseph Smith by name or the atonement cannot save me. So maybe the end game is not that I accept Christ but rather that I reject Joseph Smith and renounce the BoM.
Do I have that right?
Strangely, you still have not shared your steps to salvation. What exactly are you afraid of?
I absolutely agree with you with one correction. There are a lot of things I cannot accept, not just some, and it’s the same way with all of the Christians who post here. You need to also come to grips with the fact that the stream of members coming out of the LDS church indicates that there are things that they cannot accept also. We have a number of former Mormons who post here. Do you know why? Because they can’t accept Mormonism and are dedicated to help those who have a desire to get out to do just that.
Jason and clyde probably weren’t around here when you revealed it, but would you state again for the record that you are a holder of the “priesthood”?
The reason I mention it is because our buddy Jason is playing games with his “push the agree button” thus insinuating that he’s now a Christian.
I believe he’d be surprised that you are a priesthood holder. Actually I think it’s pretty cool. If I remember right you’re a Mormon too, aren’t you? If Mormons can be Christians while rejecting all of the foundational beliefs of Christianity, I think you made the case for being a Mormon even though you don’t believe in Mormonism but at the same time hold the priesthood.
Old Man,
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
Ok… You pointed me to a scripture verse – but you have still failed to tell me actions you personally took to obtain your salvation. What did you DO specifically? Did you just wake up one morning and you were saved? Did you have to say a prayer? Were you at a church meeting or a camp social? Am I not asking the right question here? Can you just tell me what you DID?? Thank God I didn’t really have just 5 minutes to live this morning. We’ve gone the ENTIRE day with not one single person stepping up to the plate and with Kate doing the equivalent of saying “there’s no room at the Inn”. But hey, I’ll get my info packet from Got Questions Ministries and will be an official saved Christian on the books at a church in CO. I like that.
Aaron, I renounce ALL false doctrines as well. Combined with what I told Rick, that should cover just about everything.
Falcon, if you will list the exact steps you took to obtain your salvation I will answer your God question.
Grindael, what steps did you take to obtain your salvation?
Clyde, right, it’s as if no one here has ever even heard the question.
We both know your playing games, and here is the game.
You really want one of us to say, here are the steps to be saved, do A,B,and C and your saved. Then you will say, see everyone I did A,B, and C and I also am a mormon who believe’s in Joseph Smith, that I can become a God some day, I believe in the BoM Etc.
Now I notice you cannot, I will say, Cannot and not will not, because we know you cannot explain how the Bible mentions false Gospels, false christ’s, wolves in sheeps clothing, you cannot explain Gal 1:8-9. Now with that said, as Falcon requested I will share a story with you. I spoke a while back with some MM’s, They said pray about the BoM, so I did. God spoke to me and gave we a spiritual witness and said, Joseph Smith is a false prophet, the BoM is a fake, Grace alone is real, we cannot do any works to help in any way, shape or form for our salvation. Jesus is GOD, Not a god, Jesus is eternal and uncreated Son of God, Trinity 3 in 1, Adam Sinned and we are sinners as a result.
But here is the Good news, I also am a Mormon and I hold the Mormon priesthood. My Brothers name is John, so since His name is John and the Mormonism teaches the apostle John will remain on earth with 3 friends until Christ returns and he holds the priesthood, Then I just figured Since he is my brother and a “brother” and he has at least 3 friends he must be the One. So I also have been baptized and therefore am a priesthood holding Mormon.
Falcon, the truth is we average around 300,000 converts every year. If 100,000 leave each year that’s still 200,000 happy folks with growing testimonies and improved lives. This is a problem how? So your “stream of members coming out” statement is even MORE valid going in. So You need to come to grips with the fact that the stream of members coming IN to the LDS church indicates that they have finally found true religion.
And how about this for unprecedented growth:
LDS missionary applications jump 471 percent
“church spokesman Michael Purdy said that while about 700 new applications are typically started each week, during the last two weeks “that number has increased to approximately 4,000 per week.””
Four Thousand per week. Show me any other single Christian church with that level of youth dedication and enthusiasm. You can’t. That’s what you need to understand Falcon.