Author Archives: Aaron Shafovaloff

A Challenge for LDS Apologists

A challenge for LDS apologists who celebrate living apostles as the necessary and authoritative interpreters of scripture: When making your case for something, limit your appeal to scripture and to the writings and speeches of LDS apostles, with attention to … Continue reading

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Why still use the shorthand, “Mormon”?

A commenter asks, “Why don’t you guys start calling us latter-day Saints instead of Mormons? oh wait, it’s because you don’t respect us.” Most of the time it’s just easier to use two syllables. It’s not out of disrespect. There … Continue reading

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Aaron Shafovaloff: Keep It Simple (Manti 2018 lecture)

Aaron Shafovaloff: Keep It Simple (Manti 2018 lecture)

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Joel Groat: Knowing the Sum of Our Sins

Joel Groat: Knowing the Sum of Our Sins

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Bill McKeever: The Historical Approach

Bill McKeever: The Historical Approach

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Keith Walker: The Impossible Gospel in Conversation

Keith Walker: The Impossible Gospel in Conversation

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Sandra Tanner: My Story

Sandra Tanner: My Story

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Rob Sivulka: Website Advertising

Rob Sivulka: Website Advertising

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Carl Wimmer: Keeping Good Relations

Carl Wimmer: Keeping Good Relations

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Mormonism Pre-existence Debunked

Mormonism Pre-existence Debunked

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