Cultivating Mormon Coffee

We are pleased to announce that, as of today, the Mormon Coffee blog site will be an Internet outlet for Mormonism Research Ministry. Since Mormon Coffee’s inception, Sharon has been doing an incredible job posting pertinent information relative to Mormonism and we are excited that she has graciously allowed us to give this site a broader exposure through Sharon has definitely set a standard of excellence when it comes to high-quality information. We hope to maintain that standard as our other research associates participate with their comments and insight.

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8 Responses to Cultivating Mormon Coffee

  1. Paul Carden says:


  2. Cameron says:

    Wonderful, this blog is great!

  3. Keith Walker says:

    Glad to see it finally happen. It is pretty painless, isn’t it Bill? 😉

  4. Jeff Downs says:

    Lookinging forward to your thoughts.

  5. SocietyVs says:

    Hey, am I allowed to come and visit this site? I am not a Mormon but I want to have discussions and find out what the beliefs are.

  6. jer1414 says:

    Great news!

  7. rick b says:

    I am also really happy to see this. Take care all of you. Rick b

  8. Russ Bales says:

    YippEe Kay Yay!

    Sharon, Eric, Bill, Randy, Lane and John do the “blog thing.” Oh, how my wife will be dissapointed. “Hey, honey! Come to dinner.” “Okay, sweetheart. Be there in about an hour. Gotta read what Sharon wrote.”

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