Tag Archives: Liberty University

Liberty University and the Glenn Beck saga (Part 2)

As noted in Part 1 of this article (posted earlier this week), on April 25, 2014 Liberty University held a convocation that featured Mormon celebrity Glenn Beck as speaker. Beck told the student body (among other things), “I share your … Continue reading

Posted in Truth, Honesty, Prayer, and Inquiry | Tagged , , , , | 23 Comments

Liberty University and the Glenn Beck saga (Part 1)

Let me state upfront that, besides wearing my apologetic hat, I am a parent of a Liberty University (LU) graduate. My oldest daughter graduated on May 10, 2014, and we’re very proud of her accomplishment. I’m sure you don’t want … Continue reading

Posted in Truth, Honesty, Prayer, and Inquiry | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments