If everything works out, Ralph and I are scheduled to chat on Ustream.tv at 8pm MST. You can participate here or just watch the embedded video when it starts.
Update: It went well. Unfortunately, Ralph was unable to join in through Ustream (apparently Ustream doesn’t have a good server presence in Austrailia), so he connected via Skype and I had to reiterate what he was saying so everyone in the Ustream room could hear it. So I imagine it was probably frustrating for him. Ralph and I will just have to have a one-on-one Skype conversation so we can post the audio later. I had something recording the Ustream room, but Ralph couldn’t be heard, and there are times of silence.
Anyways, I appreciate you Ralph, for your conversation, and I enjoyed it. I hope we can do it in a way that makes it easier for you next time to get your voice heard.