Tag Archives: Differences

Is it wrong say Mormonism embraces a “different Jesus”?

Mormon bishop Nate Sharp wrote a blog article aimed at “Dispelling 5 More Myths About Mormons.” I want to take a look at the first ”myth” he tackled: “Myth #1: Mormons believe in a ‘different Jesus.’ “One myth about Mormons … Continue reading

Posted in Friendship, Interaction, and Evangelism, Jesus Christ, LDS Church, Misconceptions, Mormon Leaders, Truth, Honesty, Prayer, and Inquiry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments

Saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace.

An interesting post appeared on the LDS & Evangelical Conversations blog last week. Eric, raised Evangelical but converted to Mormonism a dozen years ago, wrote “What Mormons Should Know About Evangelicals.” For the most part, Eric’s comments are very helpful. … Continue reading

Posted in Jesus Christ, Truth, Honesty, Prayer, and Inquiry | Tagged , , , | 58 Comments