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Tag Archives: Nature of God
Made in the Image of God
A unique but central tenet of the Mormon faith is found in the LDS Scripture Doctrine and Covenants 130:22. It says, “The Father [God] has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s…” Mormon Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley … Continue reading
This is a Test: Joseph Smith and Deuteronomy 13
It had been a long forty years of wandering in the wilderness. God’s people Israel were finally nearing their Promised Land. Moses’ life was drawing to a close and the people were about to enter a new way of life … Continue reading
Posted in Authority and Doctrine, Early Mormonism, General Conference, God the Father, Joseph Smith, King Follett Discourse, LDS Church, Mormon History, Mormon Leaders, Nature of God, Nature of Man, Nauvoo, Prophets
Tagged Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Deuteronomy 13:1-3, False Prophets, God, godhood, Joseph Smith, King Follett Discourse, Mormon Church, Mormon Doctrine, Mormonism, Nature of God
Yahweh needs no Asherah
Yahweh needs no Asherah. He says to none, “You complete me.” He needs no partner. He needs no permission. He needs no counsel. He needs no counterpart. He needs no complement. He creates, not by sexual union or cooperation, but … Continue reading
What matters more to being in God’s “image”: appearance, or calling and capacity?
If God had created humans to look like sloths, yet with the same capacities as humans, and sloths to look like humans, yet with the same capacities as sloths, who would be more in His image? What, at core, does … Continue reading
How to Help Mormon Missionaries
I’m a mom. I get it. Mormon blogger and author Mette Ivie Harrison wants people to be kind to her kids as they serve their LDS missions. In a recent article at Huff Post Blog, “How to Manage Mormon Missionaries,” … Continue reading
Posted in Friendship, Interaction, and Evangelism, God the Father, Joseph Smith, King Follett Discourse, Mormon Missionaries, Prophets
Tagged Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, False Prophets, Joseph Smith, Mormon Church, Mormon Missionaries, Nature of God, Polygamy, proselytizing
“The Lord is God; there is no other.”
“Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the LORD our God,” said the wise King Solomon (1 Kings 8:60-61). But for our hearts to be wholly true to the one true God, we must know who He is: Holy. … Continue reading
The Lorenzo Snow couplet’s subordination & dependence dilemma for Mormons
Given both halves of the Lorenzo Snow couplet: “As man now is, God once was. As God now is, man may be.” (a) If we will forever be dependent on and subordinate to our God, then it stands to reason … Continue reading
Posted in God the Father, Lorenzo Snow, Nature of God
Tagged God, godhood, Lorenzo Snow couplet, Nature of God
What is Mormonism?
Last week it was discovered that when Google search engine users typed, “What is Mormonism?” into the search box, the answer provided was this: “Mormonism is a religion that denies the deity of Jesus Christ. In this religion, He is … Continue reading
Posted in Authority and Doctrine, Baptism for the Dead, Book of Mormon, God the Father, Great Apostasy, LDS Church, Misconceptions, Mormon Temple, Nature of God
Tagged Apostasy, Baptism for the Dead, Book of Mormon, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Garments, LDS Church, Mormon Church, Mormonism, Nature of God, Priesthood, Temples, Word of Wisdom
The Teachings of Joseph Smith and His Apostles
The following illustration is found in the Instructor’s Guide for the current Mormon Institute manual, “The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles, (Rel 211-12)” [The posted scan is from the print edition, page 110]. Found in a section … Continue reading